Monday, October 13, 2014

Dedicated to Thai Food

I am going to dedicate my blog write up this week to the "mother of all cuisine"( well at least for me it is)..the most favoured, delectable Thai cuisine. How can it not be one of the best..when it has some many flavours to play with..we have the fish sauce, palm sugar, lemongrass, kaffir lime and its leaves, coconut cream, birds eye chilies and the list goes on and on...

I pay tribute by starting of with a write up on what I prepared for my very own family...trying to be a Thai cook. This was my attempt for a full blown Thai meal.

Thai Green Curry Chicken
Steam Fish Thai Style

Minced Chicken with Basil Leaves
I was happy with the outcome of the dishes (you can find the recipes too in other post). The family was happy and therefore I was happy too.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my food adventure in Bangkok.

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